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Nov. 25, 2021

Devotional 78: Sweet Failure

We may look at Jacob and think he failed the better part of his life in trusting God and experiencing the comfort of such active faith (I know that is the way I lean), and we mad admire Joseph and …

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Nov. 19, 2021

Devotional 77: Sweet Boast

Bragging is sin, but in faith, we are thoroughly admonished to boast. We can be thankful for our boasting. Jeremiah 9:23-24 23 Thus says the LORD, “Let not a wise man boast of his wisdom, and let not the mighty …

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Nov. 17, 2021

Devotional 76: Sweet Confusion

We have the privilege of being born again, saved by grace through the mercies of God. In this divine privilege, our new inner man longs to know God more and more. Our souls long for that genuine relationship and know …

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Nov. 12, 2021

Salvation 2: The Good News

We know that is true, as we take simple Biblical teaching about mankind, it is essential. Human Condition: We are complicated personal beings. In truth, we know in our own individual hearts that we are capable of noble and po...

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Nov. 4, 2021

Salvation pt 1 - The Bad News (a supplemental episode)

Compassion in our prayers, because there is terrible news… but that is not all the news. The reason we pray: Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? Romans 1:16...

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Nov. 1, 2021

October Surprise - October ThirtyFirst - John Calvin - Prayer and Fai…

"The Bible teaches that prayer is the chief and perpetual exercise of faith." And: "Prayer cannot help but express the hope and joy that are inevitably attached to faith." John Calvin We made it! October has been a roller coa...

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Oct. 31, 2021

October Surprise - October Thirtieth- The Prince of Preachers - The W…

"I would rather be Master of the Art of Prayer than M.A. of both universities (Oxford and Cambridge). He who knows how to pray has his hand on the leverage which moves the universe." Charles H. Spurgeon Prayer is a …

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Oct. 31, 2021

October Surprise - October Twenty-Nineth- Seven’s tenth Birthday! - A…

Seven, our assistant editor, turns ten today! We celebrate the anniversary and Seven’s Big day. From feeling the presence of God in prayer to building his own prayer closet to the spontaneous prayer in the wonder of his creat...

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Oct. 31, 2021

October Surprise - October Twenty-Eiightth - “The Valley of Vision” -…

“May the matter of my prayer be always wise, humble, submissive, obedient, scriptural, Christ-like.” The Valley of Vision. How many hours can we pray for? Wisdom. Humility. Submission. Obedience. Conforming to Scripture. To B...

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Oct. 30, 2021

October Surprise - October Twenty-Seventh - John MacArthur - Praying …

“The cruel torture of crucifixion couldn’t silence Jesus’ prayer. The crushing stones couldn’t silence Stephen’s prayer, but I wonder what has silenced your prayer for your enemy. So love your enemies, pray for your persecuto...

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Oct. 29, 2021

October Surprise - October Twenty-Sixth - Martin Luther - Prayer From…

Martin Luther, while not banning written prayers, heavily advocated spontaneous prayers from our hearts. He employed words, such as spontaneous, unprepared, not prescribed, passion from the heart, the ethos of our conversatio...

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Oct. 28, 2021

October Surprise - October Twenty-Fifth - Matthew Henry - Prayer is a…

“The Bible is a letter God has sent to us, and prayer is a letter we send to Him.” Matthew Henry This sounds a lot like the two-way conversation we have talked about on the podcast! (I may have stumbled …

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Oct. 28, 2021

October Surprise - October Twenty-Fourth - F.B. Meyer - Prayer and Go…

(God's promises) "are the mould into which we may pour our fervid spirits without fear, they are the signed cheque, made payable to order, which must be endorsed and presented for payment." - F.B. Meyer God's promises are yes...

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Oct. 24, 2021

October Surprise - October Twenty-Third - Alistair Begg - How to Appr…

“Gather expectantly, listen intently, respond correctly, and depart joyfully.” Alistair Begg. What a gift the word of God is, and every time we read the Bible, go to church, or in any other manner hear the word of God, our …

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Oct. 24, 2021

October Surprise - October Twenty-Second - Jeremiah Burroughs - Affli…

“You will not find one godly man who came out of an affliction worse than he went into it. Though for a while, he was shaken, yet at last, he was better for an affliction. But a great many godly …

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Oct. 23, 2021

October Surprise - October Twenty-First - Charles Haddon Spurgeon - P…

“Prayer is one of the necessary wheels of the machinery of providence. Charles Spurgeon The glory of providence! It is a mystery, a comfort, joy, and hope. The greatest wonder of all is God’s use of the prayers of His …

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Oct. 22, 2021

October Surprise - October Twentieth - Unknown - Prayer Ignites Our F…

“One may say that prayer is the catalyst for faith, a condition under which the faithful are armed to do battle with satan, and by which they are enabled to enjoy confidence, peace, and joy in spite of the warfare …

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Oct. 19, 2021

October Surprise - October Nineteenth - R.C. Sproul - Growing Adorati…

"The more sanctified a person is, the more heavily weighted his prayer time is in adoration." R.C. Sproul The more we learn to trust, the less we feel emotionally compelled to bow before God and ask him for our immediate …

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Oct. 19, 2021

October Surprise - October Eighteenth - Dr. Martyn Lloyd Jones - Foll…

You will notice two things in this episode, which are ancillary but are a good thing, The sound is different and better, no… really, this time I mean it. And, I spelled Doctor Jone's name correctly. I spent more than …

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Oct. 18, 2021

My Friend Mike...

We don't grieve as the rest who have no hope... Thank You Jesus for blessing us through Mike Beaudin.

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Oct. 18, 2021

October Surprise - October Sixteenth - Ezekiel 7 Prayer of Repentance.

A recent public reading of Ezekiel struck my soul, for the helplessness, hopelessness, and futile life without Christ, and at that moment, I was cut to the quick or wrecked by my own heartless, faithless, and listless prayers...

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Oct. 18, 2021

tober Surprise - October Fifteenth - Robert Murray M’Cheyne: Thou Has…

“I have received so many tokens for good from God in this matter, that it were a shame indeed if I did not trust in Him to perfect all which concerns me.” Robert Murray M’Cheyne, I pray God is merciful …

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Oct. 15, 2021

October Surprise - October Fourteenth - Thomas Case: The Forge of Aff…

“Affliction is the forge where He softens the iron heart.” I have often heard, “If God is so good, why doesn’t He answer every prayer yes? Most of those same parents who have accused the goodness of God undermine themselves …

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Oct. 14, 2021

October Surprise - October Thirteenth - George Muller: Continual Pray…

“I live in the Spirit of prayer. I pray as I walk about, when I lie down, and when I rise up, and the answers are always coming.” Once again, I am reminded of how far I have to go …

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