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April 8, 2022

Jesus Teaches Prayer: Prayer Request from our Savior Pt 1 - Workers i…

Circa 1995, as I was preparing "The Prayer Warrior's Journal," I learned I had almost completely ignored three prayer requests from the most critical person in my life. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost is that person, and I had be...

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April 6, 2022

Feature: Psalm 119:57-64 - The Lord is My Portion

We promise to keep His words; we pray He teaches us. Heth Psalm 119:57-64 57 The LORD is my portion; I have promised to keep Thy words. 58 I entreated Thy favor with all my heart; Be gracious to me …

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March 27, 2022

Devotional 83: The Saint’s Everlasting Rest.

We are back, live, so to speak, to the table, chatting to God’s people about the great and wonderful blessing and opportunity of prayer, communion with God Almighty El Elyon (God Most High). I did want to make our first …

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March 24, 2022

Feature: Psalm 119:49-56 - Comfort through God’s Ordinances

By the grace and mercies of God in Christ, we boast without blushing, “This has become mine, that I observe with hope and joy His precepts. Zayin Psalm 119:49-55 49 Remember the word to Thy servant, In which Thou hast …

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March 19, 2022

Feature: Psalm 119:41-48 - Delight in Thy Commandments

Vav Psalm 119:41-48 May Thy lovingkindnesses also come to me, O LORD, Thy salvation according to Thy word; 42 So I shall have an answer for him who reproaches me, For I trust in Thy word. 43 And do not …

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March 14, 2022

Feature: Psalm 119:33-40 - Reverence for Thee

We are back. You can read a more comprehensive description of the last couple months at , Fred-log post titled, “What a Long Strange Trip, but to whet your appetite: A couple of months ago, I mentioned I h...

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Feb. 13, 2022

Devotional 82: The Power of God’s Word A Testimony of Comfort

It is the nature of sheep to be unable to rest, drink, or eat if they are in anxiety, the good shepherd, leads his charge into the center of the sheepfold, so the sheep have the peace they need to …

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Jan. 24, 2022

Feature: Psalm 119:25-32 - Our Course is His Commandments

We are seeking the will of the Lord as He leads. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit always guide in His will to glorify Himself and show us His goodness in and through all circumstances, Glory to God! The next couple …

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Jan. 19, 2022

Jesus Teaches Prayer: Ask, Seek, Knock - A Call to Prayer

As we have explored Matthew 7:7-12, probing for the correct interpretation, we have seen: The passage is not an appeal solely to salvation. Verses 7-11 are not simple illustrations of verse 12. They are a mandate to pray and ...

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Jan. 18, 2022

Feature: Psalm 119:17-24 - Bountiful Counselors

Psalm 119 is a beautiful, fruitful read. At 176 verses, it may seem intimidating. However, by the length of these feature episodes, each stanza is a quick read. Each is also a treasured look into what the word means to …

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Jan. 8, 2022

Pop-up Episode 1 A Layman’s Look at the Whole Bible / Reading through…

Announcing a new feature, A Layman’s Look at the Whole Bible. On the whole Bible, a different podcast, starting in January, we will ramp up accessible guidance on the Bible. Our effort will be to have practical observations i...

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Jan. 4, 2022

Jesus Teaches Prayer: Ask, Seek, Knock - An Illustration? (Redirected…

I wrote and began this episode with all the information we need to decide if verses 7-11 are "The" interpretation for Matthew 7:7-11, but when I came to the application of that thought, that we should pray for others as …

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Jan. 4, 2022

Jesus Teaches Prayer: Ask, Seek, Knock - An Illustration? (Redirected…

I wrote and began this episode with all the information we need to decide if verses 7-11 are "The" interpretation for Matthew 7:7-11, but when I came to the application of that thought, that we should pray for others as …

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Jan. 2, 2022

Feature: Psalm 119:9-16 - Walking a Worthy Walk

We listen again to the Word of God through Psalm 119. Today verses 9-17: Are ways are before the Father our Savior, and the purpose of God’s people is to walk in a manner worthy of our Creator, Savior, and …

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Dec. 29, 2021

Feature: Psalm 119:1-8 Rev

We introduced this feature a few days ago, and there will be some refinements. Still, I encourage you: read in your Bibles, or through this description, or on our website and invite the Holy Spirit to illu...

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Dec. 26, 2021

A Christmas Message From Richard

We have a little role reversal going on here. I introduce Richard and his thoughtful Christmas message for our Free Range audience. And since He bids me seek His face, Believe His Word and trust His grace, I'll cast on …

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Dec. 26, 2021

Devotional 81: 2021 Message to a Weary World

‘The thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees…’ O Holy Night. The gospel is not a superhero, who sensed danger came and saved us from evil people, it …

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Dec. 22, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer: Ask, Seek, Knock - Persisting to Assurance

In a broad question, is it Biblical to ask, seek, and knock for salvation? Episode 11 of year four finds us examining whether or not praying for salvation or the assurance to our souls even to the point of annoyance …

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Dec. 19, 2021

Introducing a New Feature - Reading from Psalm 119

If you’ve ever wanted to read through Psalm 119 but been intimidated by the 176 verses, never fear. We are working on popup episodes reading through this beautiful Psalm. It is indeed a beautiful Psalm focusing on the word of...

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Dec. 17, 2021

Devotional 80: If Thy Law had not been my delight..

The power of curses in everyday troubles is confirmation bias. For the children of God, no bad comes from the hatred of the devil or his worldly system. Bold words, but they are not mine, Psalm 119:92 is God’ said …

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Dec. 12, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer: Ask, Seek, Knock - Persist to the Point of Anno…

In each exhortation, our Lord bids us pray. Beloved, let us abound in supplication. Charles Spurgeon I cannot imagine (daring to call God is my witness) I cannot imagine to any degree, trying to live as a Christian, to walk …

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Dec. 7, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer: Ask, Seek, Knock - Perspective

Jesus commands us to ask, seek, and knock. He teaches us to ask, seek, and knock for good things, and God will not give us stones or snakes but those good things. He knows our needs, has perfect answers in …

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Dec. 4, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer: Ask, Think, Knock (Revisit Introduction)

The word of God is: 12 For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to …

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Dec. 2, 2021

Devotional 79: Sweet Support

Our God supplies abundantly all we need; everything, the blatant and the subtle. We are blessed by friends. In fact, Psalm 118 constantly makes me think of not just the friends and family I have the pleasure to have contact …

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