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Growing Episodes

Our purpose: to encourage, exhort, and educate God's family to a growing, Biblical, dynamic, soul-satisfying, God-glorifying prayer life.
Under "Growing," you will find episodes that are basic to the understanding and advancement of authentic community with Almighty God.
April 11, 2020

We Need Mentors in Our Lives

We have episodes of teaching, encouragement, and devotionals. We are now adding to the mix, shows on mentoring. Hot clam chowder teaches us, having a mentor is always a plus! Critical to mentoring is communication. As the Fre...

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Jan. 20, 2020

Affirming Our Purpose – Why a Growing Prayer life?

Our prayers will be transformed as we learn of God and His word. As we move from our fleshly life-selfish and physical-into conformity to the image of our Savior-selfless and spiritual-our prayers will conform to His concerns...

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Oct. 7, 2019

00006 Episode 3: Methods to Motivate Your Consistent Prayer

This episode contains a handful of ideas and examples of ways to help motivate your devotional life. The best way to learn and be motivated to pray is to emerse yourself in the Book of Psalms and listen to this podcast. :)

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Sept. 9, 2019

00004 Episode 1 What Not to Worry About As You Begin to Pray

As you begin to pray or work toward a consistent prayer life, you have only one concern, and that is the same concern every believer has every where, at all times, and that is talk to God, every day, even if it is just for a ...

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Aug. 28, 2019

Prayer is a Real Dynamic Conversation with the God of the Universe

All I can think to say of this episode is Jesus is not playin'. He would like to have a conversation with us, and introduce us to the joy of eternal life. Prayer and your Bible are the means to that conversation. Begin to pra...

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June 25, 2019

Devotional 22: A Special Place to Meet with God

Having a place, a special place to pray not only emulates Jesus and His intentionality to seek the Father in prayer, but adds the force of an appointment we are encouraged to keep, and the solemnity of a place which is holy t...

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May 8, 2019

Elements of Prayer Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 1 An overview.

In every prayer, lengthy prayer in the Bible, we find Confession, Worship, Thanksgiving and Intercession, and or supplication. Find the definitions of each element, and some beginning insights into implementing them in your d...

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April 10, 2019

Learning Prayer through the Psalms Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 3

We take select passages from various Psalms to break the ice in our process of learning how much the Psalms teach us about our most personal occupation, praying to Father, Son and Holy Spirit in communion with Him.

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April 10, 2019

Learning Prayer through the Psalms Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 2

As children of God, we hear over and over again how much God loves us. The depth of that love is seen in our prayers of confession, and the wonderful forgiveness that He freely bestows on the beloved. Psalm 51 is our guide in...

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April 9, 2019

Learning Prayer through the Psalms Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 1

We jump into the Psalms in Psalm 33 to see our call to worship, and learn how His attributes, His actions, and His omniscience, and omnipotence cause to come to Him in prayer as our help and shield.

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March 15, 2019

Episode 6 How the Word of God Informs Our Prayers

The first name of God IAM, shapes our praise and supplication as we understand the depth of the meaning of Who exactly that name means.

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Feb. 12, 2019

An Addendum to Prayer and the Will of God

Psalm 127:1-2 and John 15:5 help us see how critical the will of God, and reinforce the need for prayer to conform us to His will

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Feb. 6, 2019

Episode 5: The purpose of Prayer pt 2 The Chief Purpose of Prayer

From an earthly perspective prayer is one of the tools God uses to conform us to His will in our daily lives. Listen and get some insights as to how prayer helps us find God’s will.

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Jan. 28, 2019

Episode 5: The purpose of prayer. Part One.

The ultimate purpose of prayer is not just to give us what we want. The Ultimate purpose of prayer is God's glory.

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