Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab What is prayer? We expand our definition of prayer a little bit, for we do have a history tog...
Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. It doesn't matter where we begin to pray, but that we start to pray. Gratitude alone will no...
Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. It doesn't matter where we begin to pray, but that we start to pray. Gratitude alone will no...
Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. It doesn't matter where we begin to pray, but that we start to pray. Gratitude alone will no...
Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. We have looked at the three main reasons, from my experience and observations, Christians be...
Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. We want to look at the big picture of Biblical prayer. When we begin with the parts of praye...
Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. We want to look at the big picture of Biblical prayer. When we begin with the parts of praye...
Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. In examining the question, "What is Prayer?" We accidentally learn why we pray. Even though ...
In examining the Duty, Glory, and Excellency of prayer, we are reminded that: I am a Sinner. Being human means being complex beyond what we can express or understand. We are lonely beings because of our sins. Added and expand...
The Apostle Paul was distressed, buffeted by Satan. Evidently, Paul's practice of buffeting his body was insufficient to keep him humble. Paul prayed three times for relief from the thorn in his flesh, and when the answer cam...
We have seen the futility of trying to manipulate God from His will through the error of Balaam. We have also seen the glory of God as He answers the particular prayer of Abraham's servant in an eerily precise way. Today, we ...
God’s abundant life is learned through prayer. In the book "Devoted to God" by Sinclair Ferguson writes of God's perfect will: "The Lord is the Master of the jigsaw puzzle of our lives. The pieces may be strangely shaped; oft...
One correction - I mention Isaiah 66:2 in this episode. When I said it, I should have listened to myself. (Now I know what Cathy feels like.) The verse I had in mind was Isaiah 65:24 "It will also come to pass that I will ans...
My best days are many times sleepless nights. God has often made the most resounding impact on His hard-headed slave -me- through sleepless nights wrestling with Him. This delayed episode is just one occasion of God's work on...
After the visit of my son-in-law Derek and my daughter Casaundra, chop liver compared to Seven, Lincoln, French, and Freddie, my grandbabies, my heart was full, and I was convicted over how I let the myriad mercies go by almo...