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Season 5

Oct. 11, 2023

October Surprise, October Ten, 2023 - A Call to Regularity.

"I commend to you the importance of making prayer a regular business of life. I might say something of the value of regular times in the day for prayer. God is a God of order. The hours for morning and …

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Oct. 10, 2023

October Surprise, October Ninth, 2023 - Fred's Call of Weakness.

I have been meditation on the advice from Pastor Ryle for the last couple of days on using as he said: "As to praying out of a book in our private devotions, it is a habit I cannot praise." And …

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Oct. 9, 2023

October Surprise, October Eighth, 2023 - A Call to God the Spirit.

The leading of the Holy Spirit is our goal, and J.C. Ryle schools us greatly in that imperative. To that end, he says: "We may insensibly get into the habit of using the fittest possible words, and offering the most …

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Oct. 7, 2023

October Surprise October Seventh, 2023 - A Call to Spiritual Spontane…

Our mentor over this last year, J.C. Ryle, and his book, "A Call to Prayer," bring us another challenge, which your host has failed many times. Rightly are we warned: "I commend to you the importance of praying spiritually. I...

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Oct. 6, 2023

October Surprise October Sixth, 2023 - A Call to Sincerity.

J.C. Ryle warns us: If I do not mean what I say, I am trifling with God. The Bishop's admonishment is one of the pillars of our relationship with the Holy God. He has already reminded us we are on …

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Oct. 5, 2023

October Surprise October Fifth, 2023 - A Call to Solemnity (and Joy.)

J.C. Ryle reminds us once again: "I commend then to your attention, the importance of reverence and humility in prayer. Let us never forget what we are, and what a solemn thing it is to speak with God. Let us …

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Oct. 4, 2023

October Surprise October Fourth, 2023 - A Call to Humility.

Happy October Surprise! As we continue in "A Call to Prayer" by J.C. Ryle, we will hear him call us to humility when we come to God. Pastor Ryle says: "Suffer me then, as a companion in the Christian warfare, …

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Oct. 4, 2023

October Surprise October Third, 2023: More Pleasing than We Know.

J.C. Ryle continues to encourage all who pray. "There are few children of God who do not often find the season of prayer a season of conflict. The devil has special wrath against us when he sees us on our …

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Oct. 3, 2023

October Surprise October Second, 2023 - A Word of Encouragement to th…

Richard is Back! Day two of our October surprise, and back to J.C. Ryle, and the mindset of saints of old is nothing not genuine about the ups and downs of the Christian struggle, and Ryle is in that mold. …

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Oct. 1, 2023

October Surprise October 1, 2023 - Our Careful Matter and Manner.

Don't Panic; Richard will be back with us tomorrow. October 1, 2023, our October Surprise month is here! Unbelievable quick! Thank You for listening and encouraging the podcast principal, Fred, and Richard Durrington, your am...

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Oct. 1, 2023

How God Answers Prayer Part 3: How God Answers Prayers - No. - A Bibl…

The Apostle Paul was distressed, buffeted by Satan. Evidently, Paul's practice of buffeting his body was insufficient to keep him humble. Paul prayed three times for relief from the thorn in his flesh, and when the answer cam...

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Sept. 30, 2023

How God Answers Prayer Part 2: How God Answers Prayers - Yes, with a …

We have seen the futility of trying to manipulate God from His will through the error of Balaam. We have also seen the glory of God as He answers the particular prayer of Abraham's servant in an eerily precise way. …

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Sept. 26, 2023

Personal/Powerful Prayer Lessons - God is the Same Yesterday, Today, …

God’s abundant life is learned through prayer. In the book "Devoted to God" by Sinclair Ferguson writes of God's perfect will: "The Lord is the Master of the jigsaw puzzle of our lives. The pieces may be strangely shaped; oft...

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Sept. 26, 2023

How God Answers Prayer Part 1: How God Answers Prayers - Yes, A Bibli…

One correction - I mention Isaiah 66:2 in this episode. When I said it, I should have listened to myself. (Now I know what Cathy feels like.) The verse I had in mind was Isaiah 65:24 "It will also come …

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Sept. 19, 2023

How God Answers Prayer Introduction: The Most Dangerous Fallacy Regar…

My best days are many times sleepless nights. God has often made the most resounding impact on His hard-headed slave -me- through sleepless nights wrestling with Him. This delayed episode is just one occasion of God's work on...

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Sept. 10, 2023

Let's Pray Together through Psalm 33

After the visit of my son-in-law Derek and my daughter Casaundra, chop liver compared to Seven, Lincoln, French, and Freddie, my grandbabies, my heart was full, and I was convicted over how I let the myriad mercies go by almo...

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Aug. 25, 2023

Five-Minute Devotional - God's will

Sound consistency changes? Pray on patient friends. Romans 12:1-2 I urge you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service o...

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Aug. 24, 2023

Our Signature Episode What is Prayer? - Category - Growing

This is the first revision of our Signature Episode; it is worth a listen, even if you have heard the previous one. In examining the Duty, Glory, and Excellency of prayer, we are reminded that: I am a Sinner. Being …

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Aug. 18, 2023

Five-Minute Devotional: The Bible is a Unit.

We are in a five-minute devotional, and we maintain converse with God; fellowship or community with God is grown and developed through reading the whole counsel of God and talking to Him. (Prayer) A soul that does not set its...

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Aug. 12, 2023

Our Extended Ryle: An Exhortation to the Prayer-less Child of God.

Back to our Extended Ryle, we are almost done reviewing the book. Beloved brethren, whether you are just beginning your conversation with our Savior or starting again for the third (or one hundredth) time as you get to know G...

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Aug. 9, 2023

The Free Range Preacher Presents - The Gossards and "Madhouse Ministr…, mention Gossards in the note, please. There is momentum to every new endeavor, any new start-up effort, or adventure. The momentum starts out slowly, and as it gains speed, as it were, it becomes more ...

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Aug. 5, 2023

Five-minute Devotional: The “I AM”s in John, Our All in All.

The God of all comfort is our all in all. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort; 4 who comforts us in all our affliction so that …

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July 29, 2023

Five-minute Devotional: Brethren, Take Heart God's Moving is Yes and …

Our five-minute devotional today is longer than five minutes, but we also take care of a bit of business in this episode. I know many of you pray for the Free Range Preacher on prayer, and I do thank you. …

Episode page
July 15, 2023

Growing Praying in the Holy Spirit and Faith pt 2 - Faith

Editor's note (that's Fred) We have had some life stuff in the providence of God and s little none-sense of Fred, which have delayed this episode. For the providence of Almighty God, we are thankful. As per my none-sense, I …

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