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Season 3

Oct. 7, 2021

October Surprise - October Seventh - Martin Lloyd Jones: Prayer a Mea…

The ultimate test of the Christian life is the amount of time we give to prayer. - Dr. Martin Lloyd Jones This could have been a “What He Said” episode. As you listen, ponder not just the questions and answers …

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Oct. 7, 2021

October Surprise - October Sixth - Neil Postman: Prayer which brings …

We know everything about that which we can do nothing about, and we don't know anything about that which we can do something about. I mentioned it did not matter when Neil Postman wrote those sentences. If it was only …

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Oct. 6, 2021

October Surprise - October Fifth - C.H. Spurgeon: The Sweetest Prayers

The sweetest prayers God ever hears are the groans and sighs of those who have no hope in anything, but His love. Teach us to come to You when we don't feel like it and when we're hurting. When we're …

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Oct. 4, 2021

October Surprise - October Fourth - Oswald Chambers: Pray in Providen…

God brings you to places among people and into certain conditions to accomplish a definite purpose through the intercession of the Spirit in you. Your part in intercessory prayer is not to agonize over how to intercede but to...

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Oct. 1, 2021

October Surprise - October First - John Owen

If you believe being a Christian is about a relationship, not being religious, you may be a Puritan! John Owen: The goal of the Christian life is not external life, conformity, or mindless action, but a passionate love for Go...

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Sept. 30, 2021

Devotional 75 - The Prince of Preachers does it again!

“In each exhortation our Lord bids us pray. Beloved, let us abound in supplication. Depend upon it that failure in prayer will undermine the foundation of our peace and sap the strength of our confidence; but if we abound in …

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Sept. 29, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer - Ask, Seek, and Knock: Intro

Matthew 7:7-12 begins with ask, seek, and knock… As we brush away, for analogy's sake, the silt and sand from this form at the bottom of the sea, we see with clarity, before we take the time to clean it …

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Sept. 26, 2021

Sneak Peek: October Surprise Intro: Fire Up Our Prayers

Today a sneak peek at Free Range Preacher on Prayer's October Surprise. Our anniversary month, October, the fourth year, each day of the month, we grab a quote from Fred's Big Bag-O-Quotes at random from some theologian or an...

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Sept. 26, 2021

Sneak Peek: October Surprise Intro: Fire in Our Prayers

Today a sneak peek at Free Range Preacher on Prayer's October Surprise. Our anniversary month, October, the fourth year, each day of the month, we grab a quote from Fred's Big Bag-O-Quotes at random from some theologian or an...

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Sept. 24, 2021

New? Start Here 3 Motives for and Results of Our Prayers.

No matter what motivates us at the beginning of our prayer discipline, our prayers will glorify God, conform us to His will, and open up to us eternal life during our earthly sojourn. Maturing in the faith will not only …

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Sept. 21, 2021

Jesus/The Bible teaches prayer A Complete Example. Pt 2

We review and apply the revival prayer in Nehemiah 8 and 9. We hear the hearts of believers poured out in worship, thanksgiving, confession, and intercession. We also see God's name is lifted up, His will is acknowledged, alo...

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Sept. 16, 2021

Devotional 74 New? Jesus Prayed for the Joy of the Presence of The Fa…

Two simple truths which have stunned my by their simplicity and profundity: No one in the Bible ever asked, “Why pray?” Our Lord prayed, not just because He wanted things, but because he enjoyed speaking to the Father. John 1...

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Sept. 8, 2021

Devotional 73 - The Comfort of My Soul

Isaiah 12:1-2 1 Then you will say on that day, “I will give thanks to Thee, O LORD; For although Thou wast angry with me, Thine anger is turned away, And Thou dost comfort me. 2“Behold, God is my salvation, …

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Sept. 6, 2021

New? Start Here: Podcast Introduction

We review the podcast's purpose: the desire for every Christian to have a growing, Biblical, dynamic, sincere, soul-satisfying prayer life. It truly does break my heart that any Christian should not know the sweetness of comf...

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Sept. 1, 2021

Jesus/The Bible teaches prayer A Complete Example.

The Bible is our tutor in prayer; we learn most effectively by listening to the prayers of the saints who comprise our great cloud of witnesses. In this episode, we see revival and the pattern elements and pathos of prayer. …

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Aug. 29, 2021

Devotional 72 Darkness is not Darkness to Thee.

When we believe the word of God, it permeates everything! Everything includes, oddly enough, everything. Even every season we go through. In today's devotional, we hear some of the fallback verses, which help me when I need a...

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Aug. 25, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer - Fasting - When not If.

You catch me musing on this one; as I was recording, it occurred to me the utter height of hypocrisy is found in someone fasting to be seen by men. If fasting, in essence, is carrying such a burden on …

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Aug. 22, 2021

Devotional 71 Confession is Good for the Soul

There are other times when our sorrow for our sins burst forth, remember like, Yahweh-Perazim, breaking through in victory, we are open and laid bare before the cross in repentance. The good news is the miraculous news. As a ...

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Aug. 18, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer - Forgiveness: God is Serious

The host is weak, faltering, and wholly inadequate for the task, but the word of God is none of those. The call for the children of God to forgive is serious, and the Bible uses: Serious Command as witnessed by: …

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Aug. 12, 2021

Devotional 70 Growing and Dynamic are Perpetual.

Glory to God for sharpening our prayers to His focus. When praying, "And take vengeance for me on my persecutors." I have learned from my soul to pray, "Lord Jesus, take vengeance by pouring out your wrath at the cross …

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Aug. 6, 2021

Prayer 101 Prayer the Quintessential Act of Faith; Expect Faith and D…

There is excellent news. As you are starting, struggling, or wrestling with God in prayer, you can expect at times to have great faith and at times to have significant doubt, but the great news is your faith is not …

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Aug. 3, 2021

Devotional 69 Yahweh-Perazim: God Breaks Through! New Episode

I am overjoyed at the word of God and the Holy Spirit of God who reveals to us what we need when we need it. 2022, beginning October of 2021, will be a year (for me at least) of celebration …

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July 22, 2021

Blast from the Past - Preface to the Forward to the Introduction

We review how the podcast got its name, the aim of the podcast, and our prayers for the podcast. Originally published 08.24.2019 Richard’s introduction is worth the listen! "The consideration of these things has long engaged ...

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July 14, 2021

Devotional 68 Believers are Saints, but not Perfect Saints.

There is none righteous, no not one. So says the word of God. We do God a dishonor and ourselves a disservice when we look upon our great cloud of witnesses, minimize their sins while over-inflating their earthly life with …

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