My best days are many times sleepless nights. God has often made the most resounding impact on His hard-headed slave -me- through sleepless nights wrestling with Him. This delayed episode is just one occasion of God's work on...
Day 4 of our October Surprise! We saw yesterday Faith, Hope, and Love will Abide. They abide now and for eternity. How, though, do we know God, the God of the Bible, can bring about His glorious promises to us? …
Prayer is my personal testimony. Prayer brings us into a true fellowship and community, which, we like to say in my culture, brings us to a close bond with our holy God. He is Creator of the universe, which makes …
Day 2 of our 2024 October Surprise: today, we trust the Holy Spirit to apply His word to our hearts, with minimum input from your host/principal. Our So What:? How might the following passages, given us by men moved by …
"The Lord will deliver me from every evil deed, and will bring me safely to His heavenly kingdom; to Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen." 2 Timothy 4:18 This one verse helps us learn to pray as we …
Day 1 of our October surprise, this year, we focus on what the author of the Bible says to help sharpen our prayers. Our personal prayers and those we intercede for should be informed by the God-head, Biblically, the Holy …
We kick off our introduction to our “October Surprise - 2024” by welcoming Romanian listeners and one other country to be named later. Thank you to all of you in Romania and all our new listeners. If we are to …
We are back today to be tutored again by the Holy Spirit in the art of prayer, as directed through The Foundational Blocks of Biblical Prayer. As we diligently seek conversation with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we long …
Growing - Encouragement and Edification (repub.) In examining the question, "What is Prayer?" We accidentally learn why we pray. Even though no Biblical person asks why we pray? Their lives reveal our anguished need for praye...
Welcome to our supplemental series on using and encouraging The Foundational Blocks of Biblical Prayer, a series of demonstrations using the Free Range Preacher's prayer journal. Reality: God's mercies have sustained me throu...
Welcome to Portugal, the oldest nation in Europe, I have it on reliable information, and one of the movers in the Age of Discovery. We are glad you are listening! "Whatever Leads us to prayer is a good thing." One …
Today, we highlight Brazil, a country with a fascinating history, and we learn one little thing about Dom Pedro I. More importantly, as I know a little of the countries where there are listeners to our podcast, I am amazed …
We learn some surprising, to me facts about Qatar, and Bahrain! Eternal life is a dynamic life. "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. The very …
This is an episode from the past. (Different title) We have cleaned up the audio; thank You, Jesus! We walk and pray by faith. So important is faith to our Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer, who repeats Himself, that the right...
This episode is a repeat of our episode on forgiveness. This episode was well received, and as you will hear, praying that 2023 will be a year of Jubilee and Forgiveness and revisiting just how serious God is about His …
In examining the question, "What is Prayer?" We accidentally learn why we pray. Even though no Biblical person asks why we pray? Their lives reveal our anguished need for prayer. We are sinners. Until glory, we struggle with ...
Housekeeping, you can now buy "The Foundational Blocks of Biblical Prayer" on Amazon books and Kindle; it is available in printed and ebook formats! If you are looking for a Biblical tool to begin, sharpen, or help others, pl...
When your host struggles in seasons of conviction of my sins, there is a pattern, and it is not is not joyful. There are two millstone attitudes that grind, this principal to discouragement. I tell myself, "I should be better...
Today, we jump right into our devotion, "The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple." Psalm 19:7b You will well say, "Fred, a bold claim from a simple mind." You know, patient family, that I claim no …
Costa Rica and the Netherlands are highlighted today in our random globe trot. Once again, we are humbled, thankful, and amazed at what the Lord has done. Thank you, Costa Rica and the Netherlands, for being part of the Free …
We highlight today the countries of Qatar and Madagascar. Thank you both for being in the family of Free Range Prayer Servants! In the eyes of our podcast principal, Qatar is famous for the F1 Race held at the Lusail …
Highlighting two countries I can find on a map, (I think) Japan and Brazil! Thank you all for listening, it is our sincere prayer that the episodes you hear are continually an encouragement to your communion with our Savior. ...
This episode is a repeat of our episode on forgiveness. This episode was well received, and as you will hear, praying that 2023 will be a year of Jubilee and Forgiveness and revisiting just how serious God is about His …