The place of the word of God? As Moses called to the emerging Nation of Israel, it is not an idle word for us. It is indeed our life. A prayer for the centrality of the word of God in our lives. Everything we need for life an...
It took me a solid year before I was able to utter my first prayer. It took many, many years before I was comfortable in praying publically. Prayer is among the most intimate activities I engage in on a day by day basis. Lett...
The various and sundry ways, I love that phrase of thanksgiving and praise is amazing, Yahweh Nissi God our banner, The thought of God with His banner over us, In battle In celebration, In our worship His banner going before ...
David guides us into the depth of praise for the wonders of God. I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart. His soul was bursting in his contemplation of God almighty, he is focusing his heart on Yahweh, the only true ...
We are turning one year old in October, and we have some nice plans including a free gift and thirty days of encouraging mini-episodes. Thank you, everyone, who has helped make our one year of podcasting, a year of growth enj...
Gratitude would be very difficult for me if I was covered with seaweed, and all manner of digestive juices. (Don't even mention the digested material.) All without a shower! Our brother Jonah, has a thing or two to teach us a...
A personal encounter with my own hard heart, and how I learned gratitude to God.