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Exhortation Episodes

Episode content for exhortation to pray
April 20, 2020

Prayer from the Spurgeon Perspective

Charles Haddon Spurgeon not only had a boss middle name, but he also had a good many unique thoughts on many Biblical truths, none more encouraging than his thoughts on the worthiness of praying Christians. One visitor to the...

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Jan. 26, 2020

001/2020 Encouragement: Memories-What Mystery.

Memories occupy our hearts with the goodness and love of God. Somehow, that was news to me. Ecclesiastes 5:19-20 19 Furthermore, as for every man to whom God has given riches and wealth, He has also empowered him to eat from ...

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Jan. 8, 2020

Usher Yourself into His Presence

Mid week inspiration to prayer. We find first our energy in giving Jesus the Christ a few minutes. Once done, we are able to enter whatever else in this life which motivates us, but we can give him the first fruits of our res...

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Jan. 2, 2020

2020 Prayer of Encouragement

Praying for the podcast listeners, my FB friends, my family and everyone in my prayer book... Praying for our faith, His will in all things, and all we think, say and do will be to His glory. For access to the Voice Over serv...

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Dec. 29, 2019

Encouragement: Open My Eyes to Behold…

There is a reason, a godly reason, no matter what your circumstance is, you are not completely content. In fact, as Christians, we will never be completely content in the life we now live. We are not at home. By God’s grace, ...

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Dec. 24, 2019

Your Friend Loves to Hear from You

Merry Christmas Never doubt the truth. The Holy God of the universe sent His only Son, so we will be reconciled to Him. Once having been reconciled, we are now friends with the King and have access to the throne room of Fathe...

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Dec. 19, 2019

We are Ambassadors for Christ

As ambassadors, we are equipped, not to walk in the full authority of our Master, but to walk in the same manner. We walk in a manner fitting our Savior, Jesus who is the Christ, and our charge is to from sincerity, speak for...

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Dec. 17, 2019

Just Drop in to See What Condition Your Prayer Life is in

Evaluating our lives is a biblical calling, assessing our prayer life is also a good practice. No matter how you assess your dedication to prayer, there is good news, and a path to be taken in faith to deepen your communion w...

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Dec. 13, 2019

Jesus the Banner Over our Heads

Jesus is Yahweh-Nissi, the banner over our heads in battle. Focusing on Him emboldens us to stay faithful in the battle, and inspires our faith that the victory is sure in Christ. And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him, ...

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Dec. 10, 2019

You are a Gift, and that can Motivate Your Prayers

You are a gift, but to whom and why, and how would knowing that fact helps your prayer life? Perhaps the Free Range Preacher on Prayer podcast can help you out with that. Give it a listen you may like the answer. Money-back g...

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Nov. 27, 2019

Praying through Psalm 34: Thanksgiving 2019

David knew he was in a sincere, real and dynamic relationship with the Lord His God. The undeniable evidence of the love between the two exudes in every Psalm but it is nowhere more evident than when David cries out at the be...

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Nov. 20, 2019

Comfort Comes from the Word of God

In the fallen world we walk in fear for our souls in death, our eyes know rivers of tears, we walk in weaknesses and stumbling. The final cure is in Jesus Christ and His word. When all is said and done, take strength and unde...

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Nov. 12, 2019

Introducing Prayer and Faith

Psalm 5 perfectly illustrates prayer as the most tangible activity which we can daily engage in.

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Nov. 6, 2019

Year 2; Comfort 1: Fall Back and Regroup God is our Bulwark

Every army needs a stronghold to fall back to in times of intense battle. A place to regroup, listen to the commander, refresh and get prepared to finish the fight. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 and 23-24 is just one refuge for our...

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Nov. 5, 2019

Elements of Prayer - Intercession Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 3 Intercess…

I love to gather prayer requests; it is one of my main joys in all of life to intercede for everyone God brings into my life. The Lord is merciful to allow me to serve Him and His beloved. It took me many years, however, to u...

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