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Devotional Episodes

Biblical Meditative Thoughts for our prayers
July 13, 2019

Devotional 23 Praying for the People You Love, but Who You Have Not S…

Everyone in our lives are or have been in our lives for a reason. Some we don't remember, but the ones we do have a special place of some sort in our lives. There are ways to pray for those instruments of God and their impact...

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June 16, 2019

Devotional 21: A Praying for God's Rebuke? Have You Ever Heard of Suc…

Jeremiah's heart was so devoted to God, that He called out for God's justice on his own life, but with one proviso, "but not with Thine anger." There is only one thing more difficult than trials in our lives, and that is liv...

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June 2, 2019

Devotional 20 A Reminder of the Ultimate Benefit of Prayer

A reminder of how much deeper is the benefit of eternal life when we experience it her even before heaven. We see how greatly prayer affects our knowing the only true God and Jesus the Christ who He sent to be our Savior, and...

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May 29, 2019

Devotional 18 Being Thankful for Affliction.

We all long for comfort and sometimes have the mistaken belief that when we are comfortable we have found the favor of God, and there are times that is true. However, what is true all the time is when we are in affliction, fo...

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May 24, 2019

Devotional 19: A Mini Prayer - An example of the opening a prayer bef…

As promised a little insight into beginning our daily prayers. I have found it helpful to begin my daily prayers with a time of unburdening my soul by having a short time of Confession, Thankfulness, Worship and Intercession....

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April 19, 2019

Announcement and Devotional 04.18.19

Touching base with some direction for the next few episodes, and a devotional on a prayer partner you may not know you have.

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April 10, 2019

Learning Prayer through the Psalms Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 3

We take select passages from various Psalms to break the ice in our process of learning how much the Psalms teach us about our most personal occupation, praying to Father, Son and Holy Spirit in communion with Him.

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April 10, 2019

Learning Prayer through the Psalms Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 2

As children of God, we hear over and over again how much God loves us. The depth of that love is seen in our prayers of confession, and the wonderful forgiveness that He freely bestows on the beloved. Psalm 51 is our guide in...

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April 9, 2019

Learning Prayer through the Psalms Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 1

We jump into the Psalms in Psalm 33 to see our call to worship, and learn how His attributes, His actions, and His omniscience, and omnipotence cause to come to Him in prayer as our help and shield.

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April 1, 2019

A Modest Prayer Suggestion Devotional

See how a grumpy old man’s prayer may be able to help calm your soul.

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March 21, 2019

Personal Devotional on Treasuring Up Memories

Mary treasured up events in her life and pondered them, I have taken it from the Scripture there are many events we can and perhaps should emulate. Treasuring up moments is one of those for me. God gave one of my favorite mom...

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March 21, 2019

What God has Done for My Soul - Contentment

A personal devotional on the new feeling of contentment God has given in these last few months.

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March 10, 2019

God is in Control, A Devotional from Psalm 119:91

What would our lives be like if we did not Know God was in control and working on our behalf?

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March 5, 2019

Our God is a Consuming Fire

Hebrews 12:29 reminds us of the consuming nature of our God, at times a warning, other times an exhortation and for us cause of great joy.

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Feb. 12, 2019

A Personal Devotional. What God has done for my soul.

Psalm 66:16-20 begins with the Psalmist calling every one to come near and hear what God has done for his soul. In worship we share what He has done for our souls.

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