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Devotional Episodes

Biblical Meditative Thoughts for our prayers
Jan. 20, 2023

Devotional 96 - The Human Universal - Sadness, Sin, Death.

When we feel alone, trying to push away the dark, our sadness over our evil deeds, the shortness of our lives, and the justice we demand from others while we excuse ourselves, we understand reform is not enough. The bad news....

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April 12, 2021

Devotional 64 - Our God of Awesome Deeds

A short devotional prayer to the God of our salvation. Psalm 65:5 By awesome deeds Thou dost answer us in righteousness, O God of our salvation, Thou who art the trust of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest sea; May...

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April 4, 2021

Devotional 63 The God of the Impossible - Resurrection

Biblical doctrine is never truly dry and or irrelevant. The facts of the gospel teamed with God's active work in our lives, and the applications of the will of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit make this life eternally meaning...

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March 19, 2021

Devotional 62 Divine Providence in Our Wrestling Matches

“The consideration of these things has long engaged me to attend to this matter, with the utmost diligence and care, and exactness of search and inquiry, that I have been capable of. It is a subject on which my mind has been ...

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Feb. 17, 2021

Devotional 60: God Challenges Ezekiel (and us)

“The consideration of these things has long engaged me to attend to this matter, with the utmost diligence and care, and exactness of search and inquiry, that I have been capable of. It is a subject on which my mind has been ...

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Jan. 29, 2021

Devotional 59: Why Pray? For Love's Sake

"The consideration of these things has long engaged me to attend to this matter, with the utmost diligence and care, and exactness of search and inquiry, that I have been capable of. It is a subject on which my mind has been ...

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Jan. 12, 2021

Devotional 58 A Profound Dilemma - Our Faith Solution Pt. 2

“The consideration of these things has long engaged me to attend to this matter, with the utmost diligence and care, and exactness of search and inquiry, that I have been capable of. It is a subject on which my mind has been ...

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Jan. 9, 2021

Devotional 58 A Profound Dilemma - Our Faith Solution Pt. 1

“The consideration of these things has long engaged me to attend to this matter, with the utmost diligence and care, and exactness of search and inquiry, that I have been capable of. It is a subject on which my mind has been ...

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Jan. 2, 2021

Devotional 57 Closing Prayer in 2020 for 2021

We have finished up 2020 with the Free Range Preacher’s prayer for our listeners, myself, and all my loved ones. The outline of this 2021 prayer is we remember and experience: Our prayers are heard, Luke 1:13 We serve the God...

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Dec. 20, 2020

Jesus Teaches Prayer/ October 2020 - Devotional Gratitude for God's W…

The encouraging truth of Scripture is when we are conforming to the will of God in: Saved Spirit-filled Sanctified Suffering Submissive Saying thanks We are free to do what our hearts desire!!! The most encouraging truth of S...

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Dec. 15, 2020

Devotional 56 The Lord’s Prayer: Our, Us, We...

I may not understand precisely how to use Conjunction Junction, what's your function?, but I do know the adjectives used in the Sermon on the Mount remind us of the privilege and responsibility of unselfish prayers. It is a s...

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Dec. 5, 2020

Jesus Teaches Prayer/ October 2020 - Devotional Gratitude for God's W…

A reoccurring theme of this here podcast is Thanksgiving. No matter what our circumstance, rejoicing in victory, or exulting in our tribulations, we remember the words of our blessed Redeemer: Luke 10:20 “Nevertheless, do not...

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Nov. 20, 2020

Jesus Teaches Prayer/ October 2020 - Devotional Gratitude for God's W…

It is a fearful privilege to be a bond-servant to the Holy God of the universe. Philippians 2:12-13 "So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out y...

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Nov. 18, 2020

2020 Personal Devotional 55: Groanings

There are specific Scripture passages that make my soul sing praises to the Creator God of the universe, the Alpha and Omega. El Elyon, who has agreed in His love to be my Savior. Sometimes a well-worn verse jumps to my soul ...

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Nov. 12, 2020

Jesus Teaches Prayer/ October 2020 - Devotional Gratitude for God's W…

Yes, you are reading correctly. God’s will is for His people to suffer. As in the life of the Apostle Paul, suffering, i.e., his thorn in the flesh, moved Paul to not exalt himself, enabled him to humbly serve others, and rel...

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