Confession is commanded. Confession is natural for the redeemed of Jesus Christ. And, actually, confession is good for our minds, bodies and souls. Critical ia confession.
In every prayer, lengthy prayer in the Bible, we find Confession, Worship, Thanksgiving and Intercession, and or supplication. Find the definitions of each element, and some beginning insights into implementing them in your d...
Mary treasured up events in her life and pondered them, I have taken it from the Scripture there are many events we can and perhaps should emulate. Treasuring up moments is one of those for me. God gave one of my favorite mom...
The first name of God IAM, shapes our praise and supplication as we understand the depth of the meaning of Who exactly that name means.
Who is the boss of our prayers? The same boss over all our lives. Listen for the rightful place the word of God has in helping us pray.
Part one of our look at the importance of the word of God to our prayers. Just another reason to read the word every day.
We can experience eternal life right here right now, how prayer helps us experience and know God before heaven.
How do we process and experience eternal life, when He answers our prayers with a no?
What did Abraham learn about God and eternal life in interceding for Sodom?