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April 11, 2021

What He Said 2 - Anthony Wilson & Lyvita Brooks

What He Said 2 - Anthony Wilson & Lyvita Brooks

Love Thy Nay For Podcast Network-The Sweetness of Prayer

Listen to the fantastic podcast, The Sweetness of Prayer from the Love Thy Nay Bor Podcast.

You will hear a wonderfully positive conversation between Pastor Anthony Wilson and Lyvita Brooks on the sweetness of prayer, born from the blessed discipline of making time with God in prayer.

Families are disciplined (they make time) in their conversations because they care, love one another, and long express that love.

Add to this Pastor Wilson’s grown children need to hear from their dad to know he is there for them any time, all the time.

As the family of God, we are in greater need to know our Heavenly Father is there all the time, ready for communion with Him.

And the reality is, every time you read your Bible, every time you hear us a sermon, or listen to a Christian podcast, or talk to your children in the way when you rise up as Deuteronomy 6 says. When you sit down and when you come in, and when you go out, every time the Holy Spirit moves on your soul to a sanctified thought, you're hearing from your dad, and he is reminding you that he is here and that he's ready to take time to be with you. And we can be assured from our souls that he wants to hear from us. He has the time. And he reminds us all, constantly, all the time.

Deuteronomy 31:

6“Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.”

Psalm 65:2

2O Thou who dost hear prayer, To Thee all men come.

Glory to God in the highest!

Assistant Editor: Seven Jefferson Gossard

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All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.

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