The Answer is not The Answer. Season 6 Ep 3 Inst. 2

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We have looked at the three main reasons, from my experience and observations, Christians begin to pray. We then asked:
Do you remember your first prayers?
Of the three reasons given:
Do you see any weaknesses in those prayers? (In the context of developing a consistent prayer life)
Which one was not like the others?
In this installment, we answer those questions.
1. Thanking Jesus for our salvation.
A. Very natural.
B. Very Biblical - Psalm 95:1-2
C. The weakness? While never going away, our gratitude becomes less urgent as time goes on.
2. We have a need.
A. Very natural - we know the one who meets our needs.
B. Very Biblical - Psalm 5:3
C. Weakness? If our prayers are not answered or answered quickly enough, we tend to look to other solutions, and our prayers drop away.
3. We are told to.
A. Very natural - we see others, hear others.
B. Very Biblical - Luke 18:1
C. Weakness? Of the three reasons, this one is the least motivating and not like the others. Gratitude and expressing our needs are indicative of our relationship with God.
Being told to out of or with little context comes across as cold, religious duty and can be done with little heart as we obey.
So What? (Overcoming those weaknesses)
The solution to all three (fleshed out in Installment 3) is John 17:3
"And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent."
John 17:3
The overarching truth that draws our hearts, minds, and souls is that we are in a growing, Biblical, dynamic, sincere relationship with Almighty God, who created, redeemed, and sustains us for our good and His glory.
"What a man is on his knees before God, that he is and nothing more."
Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Assistant Editor: Seven Jefferson Gossard
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All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.
Season 006
Episode 018