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Feb. 14, 2021

Prayer Learned at Home: Interview with Lorna Pt. 1

Prayer Learned at Home: Interview with Lorna Pt. 1

Two provisos, please: 1. the sound is marginally better than my past interviews, and B. As I am working on the sound of the interviews, I am also working on my transitions… I promise. Lol out loud.

The interview is insightful and a treat as well.

“The consideration of these things has long engaged me to attend to this matter, with the utmost diligence and care, and exactness of search and inquiry, that I have been capable of. It is a subject on which my mind has been peculiarly intent, ever since I first entered on the study of divinity. But as to the success of my inquiries it must be left to the judgment of the reader of the following treatise.”

Our purpose in interviewing Lorna (we have friendship in common, and more importantly, we are together on a long-term prayer team) was to hear about a unique prayer ministry she began in a park in her area. However, having known her so long and been privileged to meet her dad a time or two. Having seen his godly life and attention to our Biblical admonition to raise our children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, I just had to begin our conversation her father and his mentoring.

Enjoy, Lorna!

Glory to God in the highest.

Assistant Editor: Seven Jefferson Gossard

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All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.

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