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May 12, 2020

Prayer and Providence - Abram’s Despicable Sin

Prayer and Providence - Abram’s Despicable Sin

I tell you a mystery,

Abram did a despicable thing, (not a mystery). God's purpose is God's purpose. God's love is God's love. God's promises are God's promises. God's faithfulness is God's faithfulness.

Providence is what we call God carrying out His eternal decrees, and His purpose, love, promises, and faithfulness, even when His people do despicable things.

Why, is the inscrutable mystery.

"I know that Thou canst do all things And that no purpose of Thine can be thwarted.

Not even Abram's cowardice can derail God's kind will. - Neither are ours.

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All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.

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