October Surprise, October Ten, 2023 - A Call to Regularity.

"I commend to you the importance of making prayer a regular business of life. I might say something of the value of regular times in the day for prayer. God is a God of order. The hours for morning and evening sacrifice in the Jewish temple were not fixed as they were without a meaning. Disorder is eminently one of the fruits of sin. But I would not bring any under bondage. This only I say, that it is essential to your soul's health to make praying a part of the business of every twenty four hours in your life. just as you allot time to eating, sleeping, and business, so also allot time to prayer. Choose your own hours and seasons. At the very least, speak with God in the morning, before you speak with the world: and speak with God at night, after you have done with the world. But settle it in your minds, that prayer is one of the great things of every day. Do not drive it into a corner. Do not give it the scraps and parings of your duty. Whatever else you make a business of, make a business of prayer."
Wherever or however you start, make it a habit to do everything that motivates you to keep that discipline of prayer. After a time, it will not be a discipline. It will be the highlight of your day.
God satisfies the human soul, but like avocados, it may take time to get a taste of them. :)
Beloved brethren, once again, all I have I give to you: pray, pray, pray. Your life will be immeasurable in joy, peace, and contentment the more time you spend in sincere prayer with Almighty God.
"What a man is on his knees before God, that he is and nothing more."
Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Assistant Editor: Seven Jefferson Gossard
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All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.
For access to the Voice Over services of Richard Durrington, please visit RichardDurrington.com or email him at Durringtonr@gmail.com
Our podcast art was designed by @sammmmmmmmm23 Instagram
Season 005
Episode 104