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October Surprise 2022: A Call to Prayer Day 4

October Surprise 2022: A Call to Prayer Day 4

October 4, 2022 - Inspired by J.C. Ryle’s treatise on Prayer.

The extended introduction for our October episodes ends at the 7:20 mark, and while there is some benefit (I believe) in listening to it again, if you would like, you can fast forward to that mark and begin the episode.

J.C. Ryle:

“I have looked carefully over the lives of God’s saints in the Bible. I cannot find one of whose history much is told us, from Genesis to Revelation, who was not a man of Prayer. I find it mentioned as a characteristic of the godly, that “they call on the Father” (I Peter 1:17), or “the name of the Lord Jesus Christ” (I Cor. 1:2). Recorded as a characteristic of the wicked is the fact that “they call not upon the Lord” (Ps. 14:4).”

Not only does the desire for fellowship with God through Prayer delineate saints from sinners, but those who live the abundant life now from those who do not.

Our wonder stems not in knowing how those “who by faith conquered kingdoms, performed acts of righteousness, obtained promises…” lived that soul-satisfying abundant life, but…

But how those who “experienced mockings and scourgings, yes, also chains and imprisonment” lived the same soul-satisfying abundant life.

Three guesses?


Glory to God in the highest.

“What a man is on his knees before God, that he is and nothing more.”

Robert Murray M’Cheyne

Assistant Editor: Seven Jefferson Gossard

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All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.

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Our podcast art designed by @sammmmmmmmm23 Instagram

Season 5

Episode 004