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Aug. 14, 2020

Jesus Teaches Prayer: The Lord's Prayer - Our Father Who Are In Heaven - Who Is Our Father Obligated to and For What Purpose?

Jesus Teaches Prayer: The Lord's Prayer - Our Father Who Are In Heaven - Who Is Our Father Obligated to and For What Purpose?

"Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name."

The Lord's prayer is not only our blueprint for prayer but sets the standard of content for our prayers.

When Jesus said "hallowed by Thy name," it does imply worship, but more than that it sets our goal to bring Him glory because He is Holy Holy Holy. Acknowledging who He is will assuredly help us avoid believing Him to be who we want Him to be.

The good gifts He gives by grace He does not give because:

He is our buddy… He is God, our Creator, not our buddy.

He is our genie… He is the merciful God our Savior, not our wish giver.

He is our kindly old man in the sky with a robe and a beard… He is our Righteous Judge, not a kind and inattentive old man.

He deserves to be treated as Creator, Savior, and Righteous Judge.

Who the obligates Him to common grace, and salvation, and blessing?

Assistant Editor: Seven Jefferson Gossard

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All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.

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