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Devotional 99 - Where Do You Go Now for Rest? Category: Devotional: Search for peace.

Devotional 99 - Where Do You Go Now for Rest? Category: Devotional: Search for peace.
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Free Range Preacher on Prayer

The words of Richard Baxter are earthy, moving, and convicting. He echos the truth, that we can begin to enjoy God's rest as we seek Him foremost.

Baxter in "The Saints Everlasting Rest" brings us to tears, and He laments in the voice of God:

"How must we offend our dear Lord when we give him cause to complain, as he did of our fellow idolaters: "My people have been lost sheep; they have forgotten their resting-place. My people can find rest in anything rather than in me. They can delight in one another, but not in me. They can rejoice in my creatures and ordinances, but not in me. Yea, in their very labors and duties they seek for rest, but not in me. They had rather be anywhere than be with me. Are these their gods? Have these redeemed them? Will these be better to them than I have been, or than I would be?" If you yourselves had a wife, a husband, a son, who had rather be any where than in your company, and was never so merry as when farthest from you, would you not take it ill? So our God must needs do."

He then urges us:

"O Christian, follow thy work, look to thy dangers, hold on to the end, win the field, and come off the ground before thou think of a settled rest."

His words are sober to my soul.

"What a man is on his knees before God, that he is and nothing more."

Robert Murray M'Cheyne

Assistant Editor: Seven Jefferson Gossard

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All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.

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Season 005

Episode 070