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October Surprise 2023 Episodes

Our celebration month is October, in 2023 we finish up with thirty one days of J.C. Ryle finishing up his book. "A Call to Prayer."
Nov. 1, 2023

October Surprise, October Thirty-First, 2023 - The Spirit Moves the S…

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. Throughout the ages, the Holy Spirit has been consistent in the critical nature of prayer. A...

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Oct. 30, 2023

October Surprise, October Thirty, 2023 - A Summary of Ryle's Advice.

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. Today, we will let the Bishop sum up the thrust of his advice. "I offer these points for you...

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Oct. 30, 2023

October Surprise, October Twenty-Ninth, 2023 - A Call to Watchfulness…

What is the sweetest place on earth? The difference between King Saul and King David made all the difference in their lives and effectiveness in what God had called them to do. While Saul justified himself in the presence of ...

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Oct. 29, 2023

October Surprise, October Twenty-Eighth, 2023 - A Call to Watchfulnes…

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. What do you think when you know the ultimate commandment, the commandment Jesus came to give...

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Oct. 28, 2023

October Surprise, October Twenty-Seventh, 2023 - A Call to Watchfulne…

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. Christianity, Church, Community, Fellowship, whatever label we might put on our faith, true ...

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Oct. 26, 2023

October Surprise, October Twenty-Sixth, 2023 - A Call to Watchfulness…

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. JC Ryle has written in his book, "A Call to Prayer," and we are following his writing to Chr...

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Oct. 26, 2023

October Surprise, October 25, 2023 - A Call to Watchfulness. Pt 1.

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. A couple points of business: The donation links for the podcast are at the top of the descri...

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Oct. 26, 2023

October Surprise, October Twenty-Fourth, 2023 - A Call to Thankfulnes…

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. Another day in the paddock, and what a joy to continue with J.C. Ryle in his book, "A Call t...

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Oct. 26, 2023

October Surprise, October Twenty-Third, 2023 - A Call to Thankfulness…

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. Day 23 of our focus on the practical side of his, J.C. Ryle's advice to Christians who do pr...

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Oct. 23, 2023

October Surprise, October Twenty-Second, 2023 - A Call to Intercessio…

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. This description by J.C. Ryle is so comprehensive and beautiful that no words of mine can ad...

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Oct. 23, 2023

October Surprise, October Twenty-first, 2023 - A Call to Tears.

Today, our intercession is directed at our actual enemy, sin, death, and the devil. To my tribe first, with the events we have seen magnified dramatically since 2019, there can be no doubt, "The heart is more deceitful than a...

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Oct. 22, 2023

October Surprise, October Twentieth, 2023 - A Call to Particularity

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. Once again, the faithful Bishop of Liverpool urges us not only to talk to God and to talk to...

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Oct. 21, 2023

October Surprise, October Nineteenth, 2023 - A Call to Fullness Pt. 2

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. Today's episode is a call to contemplate our prayer lives and ask God if the words of J.C. R...

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Oct. 19, 2023

October Surprise, October Eighteenth, 2023 - A Call to Solemn Fullnes…

Donation link: Or go to and use the Donations tab. Today's episode is a call to contemplate our prayer lives and ask God if the words of J.C. R...

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Oct. 19, 2023

October Surprise, October Seventeenth, 2023 - A Call to Boldness.

Donation link: go to and use the Donations tab. J.C. Ryle is calling us today to a call to boldness. The type of boldness, I think, which beli...

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