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Intercession Episodes

Episode concerning intercession and supplication
April 1, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer Matthew 6:13 - Praying, “Lead us not into tempta…

The most beautiful reality of the Christian life is its abundance found in our desire for His will. In our sojourn here, we call out: Psalm 51:17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; A broken and a contrite heart, O God...

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March 30, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer Matthew 6:13 - Praying, “Lead us not into tempta…

We look in this episode to John Owen, Octavius Winslow, and Thomas Brooks to hear from an old-time perspective how prayer helps us focus on purity and righteousness, sets our hearts, minds, and souls to do His will to the sam...

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March 28, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer Matthew 6:13 - Praying, “Lead us not into tempta…

"The consideration of these things has long engaged me to attend to this matter, with the utmost diligence and care, and exactness of search and inquiry, that I have been capable of. It is a subject on which my mind has been ...

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Jan. 22, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer - Give Us this Day Pt. 2

This episode is a short review of the faith and prayer of one man dedicated to living in complete dependence and contentment in the presence of the Holy God of the universe. George Muller, a man of faith, proved God will supp...

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Jan. 21, 2021

Jesus Teaches Prayer - Give Us this Day Pt. 1

Back to Jesus teaches prayer from the Sermon on the Mount and The Lord's Prayer. Not Really the Lord's prayer as in we mindlessly repeat words. God is never moved by a formula or man's pious repetition of His Son our Savior's...

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Nov. 5, 2019

Elements of Prayer - Intercession Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 3 Intercess…

I love to gather prayer requests; it is one of my main joys in all of life to intercede for everyone God brings into my life. The Lord is merciful to allow me to serve Him and His beloved. It took me many years, however, to u...

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Sept. 30, 2019

Elements of Prayer - Intercession Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 2

An encouragement to continue the intercession, I am convinced you have begun, inspiration to move you if you have been struggling with a prayer for others, and lastly a gentle exhortation to integrity in when you commit to pr...

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Sept. 14, 2019

Elements of Prayer- Intercession Volume 1 Episode 1 Part 1

An introduction to intercession. After a brief review of Confession, Worship, and Thanksgiving, we see the place of Intercession through Andrew Murray, and Charles Spurgeon, and two unassailable Bible passages. Intercession d...

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