This episode emphasizes the importance of prayer during the pandemic, urging listeners to plan and commit to daily prayer, seek good examples for prayer, and learn from biblical figures like David. It also introduces avenues ...
Love Thy Nay For Podcast Network-The Sweetness of Prayer Listen to the fantastic podcast, The Sweetness of Prayer from the Love Thy Nay Bor Podcast. You will hear a wonderfully positive conversation between Pastor Anthony Wil...
“The consideration of these things has long engaged me to attend to this matter, with the utmost diligence and care, and exactness of search and inquiry, that I have been capable of. It is a subject on which my mind has been ...
Just when you thought the four elements of prayer (Worship, Confession, Intercession, and Thanksgiving) were enough, along comes Isaac Watts, yes, that Isaac Watts, and gives us his view on "The Nature of Prayer" from His boo...
R.C. says Prayer is a duty, but more than that, it is a sweet opportunity. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself over consistency. True prayer is a heartfelt plea to God almighty. Also, find out the surprising posture from ...
Charles Haddon Spurgeon not only had a boss middle name, but he also had a good many unique thoughts on many Biblical truths, none more encouraging than his thoughts on the worthiness of praying Christians. One visitor to the...
As we continue our “In Other’s Words” segments, today, D.A. Carson reminds us of two fundamental truths to foster our prayer lives. “1. Much praying is not done because we do not plan to pray. We do not drift into spiritual l...
Lord, thank you for the faithful who have gone before us, teach us today through what they have left to us in Your holy and good name. Let the Lord use their words to mold us to His purpose in prayer. C.H. Spurgeon: "Cares ar...
Introducing a new segment in the Free Range Preacher on Prayer podcast. We are introducing “In Other’s Words” A weekly encouraging look from the eyes and pen of a different Bible teacher on the subject of prayer. We looked to...