The Apostle Paul was distressed, buffeted by Satan. Evidently, Paul's practice of buffeting his body was insufficient to keep him humble. Paul prayed three times for relief from the thorn in his flesh, and when the answer cam...
We have seen the futility of trying to manipulate God from His will through the error of Balaam. We have also seen the glory of God as He answers the particular prayer of Abraham's servant in an eerily precise way. Today, we ...
God’s abundant life is learned through prayer. In the book "Devoted to God" by Sinclair Ferguson writes of God's perfect will: "The Lord is the Master of the jigsaw puzzle of our lives. The pieces may be strangely shaped; oft...
One correction - I mention Isaiah 66:2 in this episode. When I said it, I should have listened to myself. (Now I know what Cathy feels like.) The verse I had in mind was Isaiah 65:24 "It will also come to pass that I will ans...
My best days are many times sleepless nights. God has often made the most resounding impact on His hard-headed slave -me- through sleepless nights wrestling with Him. This delayed episode is just one occasion of God's work on...
A prayer for a year of Jubilee, forgiveness, restoration, and return. The year of Jubilee, a year of rest given by God's grace was also a year of trust. Imagine a year of no work, just a celebration! Leviticus 25:10-11 10 'Yo...
Only Christians can have true peace. True peace is a promise from Jesus who is the Christ. John 14: 27 “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled,...
Whether God uses an angel or an earthquake, no power can keep His servants in prison. Neither can any opposition keep His ambassadors from preaching the good news to the salvation of souls. Genesis 50:20 “And as for you, you ...
As your mentor, I know your soul desires to pray, but if that is not enough to motivate you. I would be a failing mentor if I did not remind you: Prayer is a command. Be intentional, carve out some time, make it your purpose ...
Hebrews 12:29 reminds us of the consuming nature of our God, at times a warning, other times an exhortation and for us cause of great joy.