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Dynamic Episodes

Episodes concerning why our prayers are a dynamic act of piety
Sept. 9, 2024

Season 6 What is Prayer? - Dynamic - Principles of Dynamic Relationsh…

Today, we highlight Brazil, a country with a fascinating history, and we learn one little thing about Dom Pedro I. More importantly, as I know a little of the countries where there are listeners to our podcast, I am amazed by...

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Sept. 3, 2024

Season 6 What is Prayer? - Dynamic - What Might that Mean? Intro

We learn some surprising, to me facts about Qatar, and Bahrain! Eternal life is a dynamic life. "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. The very fact that w...

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Feb. 20, 2020

Affirming Our Purpose: Why a Dynamic Prayer Life? 3

You cannot be absorbed in the Book of Psalms and not be overwhelmed by the dynamic nature of the relationship between God and His people they portray. We are meant to have the same dynamic prayer life as David. The clearest e...

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Feb. 19, 2020

Affirming Our Purpose: Why a Dynamic Prayer Life? 2

The most profound evidence our prayers are real and dynamic as any other conversation we will ever have is described in the Gospel of John at the last supper. John 13-17 is the most extensive and intimate interaction we are B...

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Feb. 18, 2020

Affirming Our Purpose: Why a Dynamic Prayer Life?

David had such a dynamic prayer life, that he prayed 1 John 3:2 900 years or so before John wrote 1 John 3:2! Psalm 17:15 As for me, I shall behold Thy face in righteousness; I will be satisfied with Thy likeness when I awake...

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