New for 2024: Now accepting Donations, streamlined episodes.
May 13, 2024

Were you trying to find help for a specific issue? Browse the Categories for your help.

Were you trying to find help for a specific issue? Browse the Categories for your help.

Explanation of Categories. 

Each episode is or will be discoverable in at least one "Category" on the website. The flowing is Free Range Preacher on Prayer "Categories" and describes the episode's contents. 

Introductory Stuff:
Introductions over the years of the podcast itself. These episodes contain subjects like "Why a Podcast? And give general information about our philosophy    in teaching prayer, communications through podcasting, and like subjects. 

This category contains episodes with the theme of growing in prayer, the changes we can expect as we grow, and how we measure our growth in our prayers. 

This category contains what the Bible says about prayer and, at times, various ways to apply what the Bible says about prayers, usually from a Biblical perspective.

The theme or content deemed dynamic is the affections or emotions between God and ourselves when we grow a prayer life. Any content we find that addresses the emotional pull or results of our prayers. One example is in October 2018, we veered into prayer and depression, and those episodes have generated much feedback on the positive side.
These episodes also deal with the proper change, actions, and progress in our relationship with God.

Through our prayers, these episodes call to a sincere conversation with our Savior, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Prayers are not talking to God for show, meaningless words or cliches, formulas, incantations, or even written prayers given with no thought or input from the supplicants' hearts. 
God wants us to come to Him and pour out our hearts.

Soul-satisfying, God-glorifying:
This category contains the concepts of the motivations and results of our prayers. These nouns will eventually come together with our motivations in talking to God, dovetail closer and closer with the results of our prayers. 
The three main motivations and results of our prayers will one day meet in the glory of God, our being conformed to His will, and the complete satisfaction of our souls or experiencing the abundant life Christ promised. 

Interviews - Just that.
October Surprise subjects - Just that.
A Layman's Look at the Whole Bible. - Just that.
Where in the world did Fred take us today? - Miscellaneous.
Devotionals - Just that.

Updated continually.