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May 13, 2024

"The Excellent Circumstances in which Love Shall Be Exercised, Blessed, and Enjoyed in Heaven"

"The Excellent Circumstances in which Love Shall Be Exercised, Blessed, and Enjoyed in Heaven."

Whatever else you may read about heaven, nothing aside from the Biblical description will encourage and excite you in the prospect of our glorious life with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit more than Jonathan Edward's insightful, loving, precise, and exhaustive book "Heaven a World of Love."

I wanted to share his outline to section four of that tome (whenever you read Edwards, you use words like tome.)

"The Excellent Circumstances in which Love Shall Be Exercised, Blessed, and Enjoyed in Heaven"

"1. Love in heaven is always mutual."

"2. The joy of heavenly love shall never be interrupted or damped by jealousy."

"3. There shall be nothing within themselves to clog or hinder the saints in heaven in the exercises and expressions of love. 

"4. In heaven love will be expressed with perfect decency and wisdom."

"5. There shall be nothing external in heaven to keep its inhabitants at a distance from each other, or to hinder their most perfect enjoyment of each other's love."

"6. In heaven all shall be united together in very near and dear relations."

"7. In heaven all shall have property and ownership in each other."

"8. In heaven they shall enjoy each other's love in perfect uninterrupted prosperity."

"9. In heaven all things shall conspire to promote their love, and give advantage for mutual enjoyment."

"10. The inhabitants of heaven shall know that they shall forever be continued in the perfect enjoyment of each other's love."

Complete undiluted love from God to us and from one another is heaven; no matter what else eternity is for the children of God, it will be a compelling love.

"But now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

1 Corinthians 13:13