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April 2, 2024

Prayers: Preparing for the Sermon.

Prayers: Preparing for the Sermon.

I have some trepidation writing this. 
More often than I would like to confess publicly, on some Sunday mornings, I arrive at church…grumpy.
My trepidation lies in the worry that I am the only one who comes to church in that condition!
Whatever the reason for my grumpy condition, I have a simple prayer to set my heart right to hear the sermon. 
I simply pray, Lord, make me attentive to your word today, teach me, and let me learn what is most needed. 

In "Piercing Heaven," compiled by Robert Elmer, I came across Edward Reynolds's Sunday morning prayer. According to the website, he was a Bishop in Norwich, England.

I love his preparatory prayer before listening to Sunday sermons, one of which, I like to think, he prayed nearly every message he heard. 

I was struck by it and wanted to share his thoughts and then what I gleaned from his prayer, which I will put into use. 

"Lord, I am now entering into your presence, to hear you speak from heaven to me, to receive your rain and spiritual dew, which never return in vain, but ripen a harvest either of corn or weeds, of grace or judgment."

"My heart is prepared, O Lord, my heart is prepared to learn and to love any of your words. Your law is my counselor; I will be ruled by it. It is my physician; I will be a patient under it. It is my schoolmaster; I will be obedient to it."

"But who am I that I should promise any service to you? And who is your minister that he should do any good to me, without your grace and heavenly call?"
"Be therefore pleased to reveal your own Spirit to me, and to work in me that which you require. Amen." 

—Edward Reynolds"

Paragraph 1:
He knew he was to consider the message to be from God.
Note the expected refreshments, rain, and dew. 
Paragraph 2:
He prepared his heart to learn.
God's word: from God, his counselor, standard of living, healer, and master teacher. 
Paragraphs 3 & 4:
He was not ready to promise because he knew:
He and the preacher were speaking and listening only by God's grace. 
He called out for the grace from the Holy Spirit to make the sermon effective and affective for his soul.
My heart's response:
O Lord, May I evermore have the fulness of expectation as Edward Reynolds!
Thank You, Father, Son, and Holy Spirt.

Edward Reynolds quote from:
Excerpt From
Piercing Heaven
Robert Elmer
Brethren, let's pray for one another. 
Blog 1 Season 6