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Exhortation Posts

Episodes that give exhortation to pray.
May 13, 2024

Were you trying to find help for a specific issue? Browse the Categories for your help.

Explanation of Categories.  Each episode is or will be discoverable in at least one "Category" on the website. The flowing is Free Range Preacher on Prayer "Categories" and describes the episode's contents.  Introductory Stuff:Introducti…

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May 13, 2024

"The Excellent Circumstances in which Love Shall Be Exercised, Blessed, and Enjoyed in Heaven"

"The Excellent Circumstances in which Love Shall Be Exercised, Blessed, and Enjoyed in Heaven." Whatever else you may read about heaven, nothing aside from the Biblical description will encourage and excite you in the prospect of our glorious life …

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April 2, 2024

Real-Time Issues in Prayer. - Does God Need Our Prayers? inst 1 Truths to ponder.

Fall Back Principles A. Anything which drives us into the presence of God is good.  The “anything” which drives us into God’s presence to pray is good because it starts or fires up our prayer life. We never get good at …

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April 2, 2024

Prayers: Preparing for the Sermon.

I have some trepidation writing this. More often than I would like to confess publicly, on some Sunday mornings, I arrive at church…grumpy.My trepidation lies in the worry that I am the only one who comes to church in that condition!What…

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Jan. 25, 2023

Lesson from Rutherford - Plain and Simple

Fred, here your host of the Free Range Preacher on Prayer podcast. Richard kindly told you that, but we are in a fact-check world. Only a joke. Suppose I have been listening to the Lord; His will is evident now. In that case, 2023 will be a year of…

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