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How did we start?

To Exhort, Encourage and Educate Christians on Prayer
Welcome to the Free Range Preacher on Prayer podcast, which you will hear at the beginning of each episode or something close to that. 
It is always good to learn a little background about the podcast. 
Brief History:
Since about the mid-1990s, I have been under an unrelenting conviction that God's call on my life is to encourage God's people to pray. 
Studying for "The Prayer Warrior's Journal," I learned of the struggle many, if not most of God's people, have for an integrated prayer life. 
It was hard for me to fathom the theologians and preachers I admired struggling with their prayer lives. 
At the time, I was under the impression my path to a growing, Biblical, dynamic, sincere, soul-satisfying prayer life was normative or universal for God's children. While my experience is not uncommon, it is in no way normative. 
Even needing to learn about prayer and develop consistency in my prayer life, I knew daily prayer's intimacy, joy, conviction, encouragement, and peace. 
Knowing the blessings of communion with God our Savior, I was saddened and moved to do all I could to help the people of God to pray. The call is not just as a mentor, friend, or adult Sunday school teacher, but in a broader sense. 
Over the years, twenty years actually, the desire and I believe Godly pull on my life to teach, exhort and encourage prayer has been consistent. I have mentioned in the podcast a few times praying for this ministry seemed to be not a real call. 
In those times, I would pray something along these lines. I am thanking you that the answer is no, and I will no longer bring this petition before you."
Yet before long, I was praying for the opportunity to teach prayer and help any child of God allowed me to help to learn the fulfillment of prayer. 
In 2018, the opportunity opened up to do this podcast. The Lord quickly opened the doors, and it has been a joy since. Which is why we are here. 
He has provided some exceptional help for me, the podcast host, to make this possible. 
I am incredibly thankful to Casaundra J, Kesilie Astley, and Richard Durrington for their help and encouragement. What they have done over the years for my soul is hard to adequately express.
Casaundra for her belief in my call and her supply at just the perfect moment. 
Kesilie, for her realistic encouragement and caring motivational thoughts. 
Richard Durrington for his friendship, his help with the technical and sound quality, and his consistent encouragement. 
Free Range Preacher on Prayer 
While working for a short period in downtown Boise, ID, I walked to and from work. On those walks, I had a chance to talk to people in need and share Christ and food and prayer with them. 
Since I was doing this for no church or organization, I felt like an old-time traveling preacher or a Free Range Preacher.
That seemed like an appropriate name for the podcast. 
We will revisit this introduction until then. Thank you for taking the time to visit our site, and if you have the opportunity, please give the Free Range Preacher on Prayer a listen. My sincere prayer is God will use something offered here for the glory of God and the growth of your personal prayer life.
Ezra 7:10