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June 8, 2020

A Short Devotional Prayer 001

A Short Devotional Prayer 001

Psalm 6:9

For the LORD has heard the voice of my weeping.

9 The LORD has heard my supplication, The LORD receives my prayer.

The irresistible movement of the Holy Spirit, excited by the Word of God, very often brings extemporaneous prayer from our hearts. Whether we are lead to worship, thanksgiving, joy, confession, or wonder. We rush into the presence of our Holy God, who loves us and sent His only begotten Son to save our souls longing for Him.

As we pour out our souls at the Spirit’s bidding, He hears our weeping or most sincere supplication, and our souls are satisfied.

More than satisfied, we speak to God Almighty, and we know we are in true communion with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Those short, spontaneous devotions from our heart never go amiss even as our words may falter, He hears us and nothing we utter is lost on the lover of our soul.

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All our Scripture quotes are drawn from the NASB 1977 edition.

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